Managing Partner
Ovidiu is the founding partner of BUDUȘAN & ASSOCIATES and is a lawyer with extensive litigation experience. The professional experience gained as Chief Prosecutor of the Corruption and Organized Crime Prosecution Section (later reorganized into PNA/DNA and DIICOT) of the Supreme Court of Justice Prosecutor's Office (now PICCJ), as well as the subsequent prolific practice as a lawyer, recommends Ovidiu as one of the leading criminal defense lawyers in Romania.
Ovidiu manages the defence in complex cases involving allegations of business crime in industries such as banking and finance, energy, oil and gas, IT, media, capital markets, pharmaceuticals, food industry, infrastructure, as well as allegations of tax evasion and corruption offences.
Ovidiu also has extensive experience in the field of human rights, particularly in the context of criminal and ancillary proceedings, and has a notable track record of cases in which individuals, companies or professional associations have challenged unjustified interference by state authority in the exercise of fundamental rights, both before national courts and the European Court of Human Rights.