Business Crime

Business Crime

  • Corruption in the public and private sectors
  • Public procurement fraud
  • Fraud with EU funds
  • Bankruptcy fraud
  • Environment and QHSE
  • Oil and Gas
  • Fraud and tax evasion
  • Professional and corporate offences
  • Money laundering
  • Bank & insurance fraud
  • Health care system fraud
  • Privatization / investor’s obligations
  • Insider trading

Our professionals have represented banks and financial institutions, regional and global corporations, as well as their boards of directors and CEOs, in a wide range of complex and high-profile enforcement and regulatory matters, both domestically and internationally. BUDUȘAN & ASSOCIATES has handled government investigations focused on, among other matters, fraud and corruption, criminal tax evasion, securities fraud, tax evasion and non-competitive practices.

We have assisted international investment funds; industrial equipment suppliers; oil companies; pharmaceutical and utility companies; international infrastructure companies; international management consulting companies; food industry companies, banks and insurance companies; telecommunications companies and construction companies.

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Our lawyers regularly provide legal services in high-profile cases related to business crime and corruption. Our litigation team handles cases involving business and business-related crimes (e.g. embezzlement, fraud, abuse of position, professional misconduct, bank fraud, stock market manipulation, insurance fraud, public procurement fraud, fraudulent bankruptcy, fraud against the financial interests of the European Union, tax evasion, environmental crime and copyright infringement). Last but not least, our services include the evaluation of plea agreements as well as prosecution solutions other than prosecution.

BUDUȘAN & ASOCIAȚII has also assisted victims of crime, particularly in the financial industry, where we have represented major Romanian banks, as well as the Romanian subsidiaries of major international banks, in complex domestic and foreign fraud, embezzlement, fraudulent bankruptcy and money laundering cases.

BUDUȘAN & ASSOCIATES has provided representation to both victims and perpetrators in civil actions brought against perpetrators and other responsible parties in major industries such as oil and gas, real estate, stock markets, food industry, logistics, IT, etc., and has a strong practice and professional insight in such proceedings as well as in related matters such as freezing and forfeiture orders.

In cross-border legal matters, our law firm has also acted as the local counterpart of several leading international law firms. At the same time, our law firm has provided representation in mutual legal assistance proceedings, for example, in Switzerland, the U.S. and the U.K. BUDUȘAN & ASSOCIATES also has a rich and complex practice in the ECHR area, having obtained on numerous occasions recognition of clients' fundamental rights by the highest European court.

Our Team

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