Frequently Asked Questions

Communications between lawyer and client, as well as communications with a potential client for the purpose of contracting legal services, are confidential. All documents, data and information provided to the lawyer for the purpose of defining the scope of the legal services, the evaluation and, where appropriate, the provision of professional legal services, as well as all aspects of the case entrusted to a lawyer, are subject to professional secrecy and may not be disclosed to third parties without the client's consent, except where required by law, by a decision of a competent court or by regulations specific to the legal profession.

Lawyers cannot hire clients whose interests conflict with the interests of pre-existing clients. To this end, prior to taking on a case, the lawyer will conduct a preliminary conflict check.

The preliminary assessment is the lawyer's own analysis of the initial information provided by a potential client, with the aim of checking whether there is a conflict of interest and of determining the potential client's need for legal services. Following the preliminary assessment, the firm shall decide whether to enter into a contractual lawyer-attorney relationship with a potential client.

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