Terms and conditions

Terms of Use

Preamble. These General Terms define the conditions of use of the www.budusan.ro website by potential users. The term “user” means any natural or legal person who will access the Website. The term “BA” means BUDUȘAN ȘI ASOCIAȚII S.P.A.R.L., having its registered office in Bucharest, Calea Dorobanților no. 43 ap. 2, floor 1, sector 1, postal code 010553, tax registration code RO 21410127, authorized by Decision of the Bucharest Bar Association no. 2868/20.12.2019.

Acceptance of the Terms. Accessing the website www.budusan.ro and/or any of its pages (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) is tantamount to expressing agreement to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, do not access this Site.

Purpose of use of the Site. Our Site provides a range of information about the law firm Budușan and Associates SPARL for general information purposes. Access to and use of the Site is free of charge and is intended to assist users in finding the necessary information as easily and quickly as possible.

Nothing contained in the Site represents or may be considered to represent an invitation or an offer/solicitation to provide legal services to the user, nor the acceptance of any commitment to provide such services. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information on the Site, it is not guaranteed. The content of the Site, information or other material presented does not constitute legal advice or a contract for legal assistance within the meaning of Law no. 51/1995.

BA is under no obligation of result or diligence to any person and expressly excludes any liability for any damages, direct or indirect, suffered as a result of accessing the Site and/or using the Content.

Intellectual Property. Copyright and any other intellectual property rights including, by way of example and without limitation, on the content of the Site, the name, images, graphic signs, logos, emblems, service marks used belong exclusively to BA. All rights relating to the pages, content and presentation of the site are owned by BA. It is prohibited to copy, modify, display, distribute, transmit, publish, commercialize, license, create derivative materials or use the content of the Site for any purpose without the prior written consent of BA. Reproduction of the content of the Site, or any elements and information on the Site, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement of BA’s intellectual property rights, subject to civil and, where applicable, criminal penalties. BA reserves the right to modify both the content and the structure of the Site at any time and without prior notice.

Exclusion of liability. The content of the information provides a general description of BA’s business and services. BA makes no warranties as to: avoidance of unreasonable use or interruption in use of the Site; non-infringement of other systems through use of the Site; freedom from viruses, spyware or any other digital components that may harm users. BA shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of the Site.

Use as intended. The Site may only be used for the informational purpose for which it was made available. BA reserves the right to restrict access to users who use the Site for unauthorized activities.

Personal Information and GDPR. Users’ Personal Data is protected by law. Whenever personal information is requested from you through the Site, it is for the purpose of identifying you or enabling us to contact you. This is all the more necessary when using the applications available on the Site. We encourage you to consult the Privacy Policy published on the Site for detailed information.

Link to other websites. The Website may contain links or references to other websites that BA considers relevant, but which are not under its control or direction. If you access and use such links or references, the relevant terms and conditions of use of those websites will apply.

Contact. If you have any questions about exercising your rights in relation to your use of the Site and the protection of your use, please use the “Contact” section of the Site to contact us.

Law and Jurisdiction. These Terms are governed by Romanian law and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of competent jurisdiction in the Municipality of Bucharest.

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